Dear faithful readers of my blog (all three),
Now it is about time to get serious with this thing. Its been a while, there has not been a lot to write about since I last updated here. the whole fall and winter so far was spent writing my bachelor thesis. I will not speak of it here because honestly, I am pretty sick of it. So, what now? Well, the plan is to do my internship at the District courthouse in SLC. I am waiting for an interview at the American embassy and when that is done I will be on my way, return to beautiful Sweden in June.
To be honest, I am freaking out a little. In a couple of months I have an education and should be all wise and adult but I don't really see myself in that role yet. Perhaps in a couple of months...I don't know...
So now you must wonder what do I do during the days when I don't have any school work?? well, I will enlighten you. I go out for a walk. I watch a lot of movies, I knitted a scarf, all on my own, I'm shopping, to be honest- the days seem to blend together, its pretty sad really and rather boring actually but at the same time it is very nice not to have school work to worry about.
I have big plans for this year. I will be in the states during the spring and beginning of the summer, then I will go to Russia in the fall and hopefully get to go to Israel not to far ahead in the future. In my absolute near future I will figure out what I can write in this blog to entertain you.